Friday, September 25, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

What is thinking?


All our activities, all the products of  our imagination, all the things written down in the Upanishads—or  whatever the religious book—are put together by thought. Architecture, the technology in the world, all the places of worship, whether they be the temple, the mosque or the church, and the things that are contained therein, are the result of thought. All the rituals are invented by thought: the puja, the worship—everything is based on thought. All our relationships, all our political and economic structures are based on thought. Our national divisions are the result of thought. You see, we have always inquired about external things, but have never asked ourselves: What is thinking? What is the root and consequence of thinking? A Timeless Spring, p 161

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