Tuesday, September 15, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

The brain is limited, primitive


The brain has extraordinary capacity, but it has been conditioned and therefore it is limited. It is not limited in the technological world, computers and so on, but it is very, very limited with regard to the psyche. People have said, “Know yourself”—from the Greeks, from the ancient Hindus, and so on. They study the psyche in another but they never study their own psyche. The psychologists, the philosophers, the experts, never study themselves. They study rats, rabbits, pigeons, monkeys, and so on, but they never say, “I am going to look at myself. I am ambitious, greedy, envious. I compete with my neighbour, with my fellow scientists.” It is the same psyche that has existed for thousands of years, though technologically we are marvellous outwardly. But inwardly we are very primitive, right?    So the brain is limited, primitive, in the world of the psyche.On Mind and Thought, p132

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