Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

Is knowledge necessary in relationship?


Knowledge is absolutely essential. You can add to it, take away from it, but the immensity of knowledge is a human necessity. Now, is knowledge necessary in relationship between human beings? We are related to each other, we are human beings, we live on the same earth, it is our earth, not the Christian or English or Indian earth, it is our earth, the beauty of it, the marvellous riches of it, it is our earth to be lived on. And what place has thought in relationship? Relationship means to be related, relationship means to respond to each other in freedom, with its responsibility. So what place has thought in relationship? Thought, which is capable of remembering, imagining, contriving, designing, calculating: What place has it in human relationship? Has it any place at all?On Mind and Thought, pp 44-45

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