Sunday, August 30, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

Thought must inevitably divide


Thought is matter; it is in the very structure, in the very cells of the brain, so when the brain operates—whether psychologically, socially or religiously—it must invariably operate in terms of its past conditioning. We see that thought is essential and must function absolutely logically, objectively, impersonally; and yet we see how thought divides.I am not pushing you to agree, but do you see that thought must inevitably divide? Look what has happened: thought says that nationalism has led to all kinds of war and mischief, so it says, “Let us all be united, form a League of Nations.” But thought is still operating, still maintaining the separation—you , as  an Italian, keeping your Italian sovereignty and so on. There is talk about brotherhood and yet the maintaining of separation, which is hypocrisy. It is characteristic of thought to play double games with itself. The Impossible Question, pp 40-41

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