Saturday, August 8, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

You are the master of time


You are the past, the present, and the future. You are that. You are the master of time, and you can shorten the time or lengthen the time. If you are violent and you say, “I will become non-violent”, that is extending time. During that interval of time, you are being violent, and there is no end to that kind of activity. If you realize that you are the master of time, that time is in your hands, which is an extraordinarily important thing to find out, that means you face the fact of violence. You don’t pursue non-violence, but face the fact of violence, and in that observation there is no time at all, because in that observation there is neither the observer nor all the past accumulation, there is only pure observation. In that there is no time.     Are you doing this? When the speaker is talking about it, are you actually seeing the truth of it and therefore doing it? Suppose I have a particular habit, physical or psychological, can the habit end immediately? Or will I take time to end a habit? Suppose you smoke; can you end that habit immediately? The craving of the body for nicotine is different from the perception that you are the master of time. You can  shorten the time, and therefore that perception is not a decision not to smoke. On Love and Loneliness, p 94

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