Tuesday, August 18, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

To look at the totality of life


So the question then is how to look at the totality of life non-fragmentarily. When we look at the totality of life—not as a Hindu, a Muslim, a communist, a socialist, a Catholic, a professor, or a religious man—when we see this extraordinary movement of life in which everything is included—death, sorrow, misery, confusion, the utter lack of love, and the image of pleasure that we have bred through centuries for ourselves, which dictates our values, our activities—when we see this vast thing comprehensively, totally, then our response to that totality will be entirely different. And it is this response, when we see totally the whole movement of life, that is going to bring about a revolution in ourselves.The Collected Works vol XVI, p 5

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