Thursday, July 30, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

Perception of the importance of change


Question: Is it possible for any of us, who are living in this particular society, to bring about the change of which you are talking?Krishnamurti: If we as individuals do not bring about this change, how is it to be done? If you and I, living in this society, do not do it, who will? The powerful, the millionaires, the people of great possessions are not going to do it. It must surely be done by ordinary people like you and me—and I am not saying this rhetorically, stupidly. If you and I see the importance of this change, then it is not courage but the very perception of the importance of change which will bring it about. A man may have the courage to stand against the dictates of society, but it is the man who understands the complex problem of change, who understands the whole structure of society—which is himself—it is he alone who becomes an individual and is not merely a representative of the collective. Only the individual who is not caught in society can fundamentally affect society…The Collected Works vol X, p 13

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