Monday, July 13, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

You have to be your own teacher


The speaker is not important at all; what is important is for you to find out these things for yourself, so that you are free and not second-hand human beings. You must look to find out, to find out whether or not it is possible for the mind to be completely and totally free of this violence, pride and arrogance, and so come upon a different quality altogether. And to find that out you must look most intimately and discover for yourself; then it is your own, not somebody else’s, not something that you have been told, because there is no teacher and no follower. Unfortunately that word “guru” has been bandied about recently in this country; the word in Sanskrit means “the one who points”, like a signpost by the roadside. However, you don’t worship that post, hang garlands around it; neither do you follow it around and carry out all the mysterious orders a guru is supposed to give; he is just a signpost by the roadside, you read and pass by.     So you have to be your own teacher and your own disciple, and there is no teacher outside, no saviour, no master; you yourself have to change, and therefore you have to learn to observe, to know yourself. This learning about yourself is a fascinating and joyous business…Talks with American Students, p 98

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