Sunday, July 26, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

The true function of man


You and I have to be free from the causes that are producing conflict in ourselves. And the centre of conflict is the self, the “me”. But most of us do not want to be free from that “me”. That is the difficulty. Most of us like the pleasures and the pains that the “me” brings; and as long as we are controlled by the pleasures and the pains of the “me”, there will be conflict between the “me” and society, between the “me” and the collective; and the collective will dominate the “me”, and destroy the “me” if it can.  But the “me” is much stronger than the collective; so it always circumvents it, and tries to get a position in it, to expand, to fulfil.    Surely, the freedom from the self, and therefore the search for reality, the discovery and  the coming into being of reality, is the true function of man.The Collected Works vol V, p 278

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