Wednesday, October 7, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

The analyser and the analysed


Please do follow this carefully. There is the analyser and the thing to be analysed. We have never questioned who the analyser is. He is obviously one of the many fragments and he proceeds to analyse the whole structure of oneself. But the analyser himself, being a fragment, is conditioned. When he analyses there are several things involved. First of all, every analysis must be complete or otherwise it becomes the stone round the neck of the analyser when he begins to analyse the next incident, the next reaction. So the memory of the previous analysis increases the burden. And analysis also implies time; there are so many reactions, associations and memories to be analysed that it will take all your life. By the time you have completely analysed yourself—if that is ever possible—you are ready for the grave.                                 Beyond Violence, p 102

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