Thursday, October 1, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

The division between the observer and the observed


There is a division between the observer and the observed. That is, you are looking at your life as an observer, as something separate from your life. Right? So there is a division between the observer and the observed. Now, this division is the essence of all conflict, the essence of all struggle, pain, fear, despair.    That is, where there is a division between human beings—the division of nationalities, the division of religions, social divisions—there must be conflict. This is law; this is reason, logic. There is Pakistan on one side and India on the other, battling with each other. You are a Brahmin and another is a non-Brahmin, and there is hate, division. So, that externalized division with all its conflict is the same as the inward division as the observer and the observed. You’ve understood this? If you don’t understand this, you can’t go much further, because a mind that is in conflict is a tortured mind, a twisted mind, a distorted mind.Mind in Meditation, p 6

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