Saturday, December 19, 2009

Seeking implies duality - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Seeking implies duality - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Seeking implies duality


In seeking there are several things involved: there is the seeker and the thing that he seeks after. When the seeker finds what he thinks is truth, is God, is enlightenment, he must be able to recognize it. He must recognize it, right? Recognition implies previous knowledge, otherwise you cannot recognize. I cannot recognize you if I had not met you yesterday. Therefore when I say this is truth, I have already known it and therefore it is not truth. So a man who is seeking truth lives a life of hypocrisy, because his truth is the projection of his memory, of his desire, of his intentions to find something other than “what is”, a formula. So seeking implies duality—the one who seeks and the thing sought after—and where there is duality there is conflict. There is wastage of energy. So you can never find it, you can never invite it. - Krishnamurti in India 1970-71, pp 157-158

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