Saturday, August 22, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

If I don’t compare, I am what I am


I know dullness only through comparison. I see you, very bright, very clever, intelligent—and I say, compared to her how dull I am. But if I don’t compare, I am what I am. Right? I can then begin from there; but if I am comparing myself all the time with you, who are bright, intelligent, nice looking, capable, and all the rest of it, I am in perpetual conflict with you. But if I accept what I am—I am this—from there I can begin. So conflict exists only when we deny the actual fact of “what is”. I am this, but if I am trying all the time to become that, I am in conflict. You are like that because you all engage in psychological becoming. You all want to become businessmen, holy, or meditate properly, don’t you? So there is conflict. Instead of realizing the fact that I am violent and not moving away from that fact, I pretend not to be violent; and when I pretend not to be violent, conflict begins. So will you stop pretending and say, I am violent, let’s deal with violence?On Conflict, p 130

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