Wednesday, July 29, 2009

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

JKOnline RSS Daily Quotes

Life and change are synonymous


You do not want to change when change means danger, lest you lose your job or your wife. You may ask,  “What is the need for change?” If you do not change, you are dead, obviously. Life means moving, and not  stagnation. If you deny life, you are dead. Life and change are synonymous. You are changing, your body is  changing, you are getting older, your senses are changing. And inwardly you do not want to change because  you have found a belief, an idea, some superstition, a conclusion, and an experience; from that you do not  want to move because it is pleasurable, profitable. If it is painful, you want to change it, you put it away.The Collected Works vol XII, p 291

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