Monday, January 31, 2011

We know no love - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We know no love - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We know no love


Our problem is, is it not, that our lives are empty, and we know no love; we know sensations, we know advertising, we know sexual demands, but there is no love. And how is this emptiness to be transformed, how is one to find that flame without smoke? Surely, that is the question, is it not? - On love and loneliness, First Talk in Bombay 1950



We seem to think that simplicity is merely an outward expression, a withdrawal - having few possessions, wearing a loincloth, having no home, putting on few clothes, having a small bank account. Surely, that is not simplicity. That is merely an outward show. And it seems to me that simplicity is essential, but simplicity can come into being only when we begin to understand the significance of self-knowledge. - Ojai, California, July 1949 - Fourth Talk in The Oak Grove

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The actual state of the world and the actual state of your own - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The actual state of the world and the actual state of your own - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The actual state of the world and the actual state of your own


Seeing all this, wars, tyranny, oppression, social injustice, starvation in the East, contrasted with extreme riches, seeing all this, not merely intellectually but actually, observing it in yourself, in your daily life, you must inevitably see that there must be a radical revolution in the very activity of your daily existence. And to bring about such a change there must be self-knowledge - knowing yourself as you are, the causes of your actions, why you are aggressive, brutal, envious, full of hate, which expresses itself in the outer world. I hope this is clear, not only logically, verbally, rationally, but also because you feel it. If you do not feel acutely, intensely, the actual state of the world, the actual state of your own life, then there is escape into ideologies and theories. - Talks with American Students

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Only exercise thought when it is absolutely necessary - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Only exercise thought when it is absolutely necessary - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Only exercise thought when it is absolutely necessary


Thought must exist, for our lives to function. But inwardly, psychologically as thought breeds pain, sorrow and this constant drive for pleasure - bringing its own frustrations, disappointments, anger, jealousy and envy - thought has no place at all in that dimension, at that level. If one could actually do this: only exercise thought when it is absolutely necessary, and the rest of the time, observe, look. So that thought which is always old, which now prevents the actual experience of looking, could drop away and it would be possible to live totally in that moment, which is always the 'now'. - Talks with American Students

Friday, January 28, 2011

You are left alone - JKOnline Daily Quotes

You are left alone - JKOnline Daily Quotes

You are left alone


If you are intelligent, if you have the capacity, if you have energy, then it is comparatively simple to study the problem. The perfect studying of the problem is the answer itself; the answer is not away from the problem. But to study, to find out the truth of the problem, you need energy, you need vitality, and that vitality and that energy is destroyed when you are following somebody, when you are following your guru, when you are following your political leader or an economic system. All your creative energy is gone in following something, in disciplining your mind to a particular pattern of action. When the leader fails, when the leader dies, when something happens, you are left alone. - Talks in India 1953

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We should listen truly - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We should listen truly - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We should listen truly


It is important to know how to listen, not only to me particularly, but to anybody. It is important to know how to listen because if we know how to listen truly, something extraordinary happens to us, because then without any bias, without any prejudice, we can go to the root of the matter immediately. But if we throw up a lot of arguments, concoct devices or contradictions to see who is correct and who is not correct and carry on with our own particular idiosyncrasies and ideas, then we will not discover the truth of the matter at all. We shall only be concerned with our own particular conclusions, with our own point of view. So if I may suggest, it is important that we should listen truly because if we can know how to listen, the truth will reveal itself. We do not have to explore the problem, but if we know how to listen to the song of a bird, to the voice of another, if we can listen as to music without any interpretation or translation, it definitely clarifies the mind; so similarly, if it is possible, let us listen with that intention - not to confute or to conform, but to directly find out the truth for ourselves. - Talks in India 1953

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We never allow any problem to bring about a crisis in our life - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We never allow any problem to bring about a crisis in our life - JKOnline Daily Quotes

We never allow any problem to bring about a crisis in our life


Most of us are used to escaping immediately when a problem arises, and we find it very difficult to stay with the problem - just to observe it without interpreting, condemning, or comparing, without trying to alter it or do something about it. That demands one's complete attention, but to most of us no problem is ever so serious that we want to give it our complete attention because we lead a very superficial life, and we are easily satisfied by glib answers, quick responses. We want to forget the problem, put it away and get on with something else. It is only when the problem touches us intimately, as in the case of death, or a complete lack of money, or when the husband or the wife has left us - it is only then that the problem may become a crisis. But we never allow any problem to bring about a crisis in our life; we always push it away by explanations, by words, by the various things we use as a defense. - Talks by Krishnamurti In Saanen, 1964

Monday, January 24, 2011

The conflict of the opposites - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The conflict of the opposites - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The conflict of the opposites


Being caught in the process of becoming, of acquisition, and realizing its strife and pain, the desire to get out of it gives birth to the conflict of duality. Gain always engenders fear, and fear gives birth to the conflict of opposites - the overcoming of what is and transforming it into that which is desired. Does not an opposite contain the germ of its own opposite? Is virtue the opposite of vice? If it is, then it ceases to be virtue. If virtue is the opposite of vice, then virtue is the outcome of vice. Beauty is not the denial of the ugly. Virtue has no opposite. Greed can never become nongreed, any more than ignorance can become enlightenment. If enlightenment is the opposite of ignorance, then it is no longer enlightenment. Greed is still greed when it tries to become nongreed, for the becoming itself is greed. The conflict of the opposites is not the conflict of dissimilars, but of changing and opposing desires. Conflict exists only when what is is not understood. If we can understand what is, then there is no conflict of its opposite. What is can be understood only through choiceless awareness in which there is neither condemnation, justification, nor identification. - Eighth Talk in Madras, 1947

Sunday, January 23, 2011

You are multiplying the conflict - JKOnline Daily Quotes

You are multiplying the conflict - JKOnline Daily Quotes

You are multiplying the conflict


Please observe your own state. Now, how do you observe yourself? Do you observe as a watcher looking at something apart from himself, which means that there is a division, a contradiction between the observer and the observed? Or do you observe without the observer? Please follow this, it is important. When we are looking into the enormously complex process of our own consciousness, whose very essence is conflict, we must understand what we mean by looking, observing. I am sure most of us observe as someone from the outside looking inward. You are aware of your conflicts, and you are watching them as a censor, as a judge, as an observer apart from the observed. That is what most of us do, and that prevents us from understanding this very complex thing called conflict - the enormous weight, the content, the varieties of it. When you observe as an outsider looking in, you actually create conflict, do you not? You are not understanding conflict but only increasing it. Being aware of conflict within himself, the observer says, ''I must change that; I do not like conflict, I like pleasure.'' So the observer always has this attitude of judging, censoring, and when you so observe, you are not understanding conflict; on the contrary, you are multiplying it. Have I made myself clear on that point? - Talks by Krishnamurti in Saanen, 1963

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The state of awareness - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The state of awareness - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The state of awareness


Most of us give up the effort to be free of conflict and allow ourselves to drift, thereby making the mind dull; and if the pain of conflict becomes too great, we resort to a belief in God, hoping in this way to find peace, but sooner or later that too becomes a source of conflict. Or, being afraid that if we had no conflict we would vegetate, become dull, satisfied, we maintain the sharpness of conflict by intellectually arguing with others, by reading and being informed about every subject on earth. But there is an approach to this problem which requires the highest form of intelligence, the highest sensitivity, and it is to observe, to be aware of this whole process of conflict, without choice. If you go into it, you will find that in this state of awareness your mind understands immediately every problem as it arises so that conflict has no soil in which to take root. - Talks by Krishnamurti in Saanen, 1963

Friday, January 21, 2011

Simplicity comes only through self-knowledge - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Simplicity comes only through self-knowledge - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Simplicity comes only through self-knowledge


Our problems - social, environmental, political, religious - are so complex that we can solve them only by being simple, not by becoming extraordinarily erudite and clever. Because, a simple person sees much more directly, has a more direct experience, than the complex person. And, our minds are so crowded with an infinite knowledge of facts of what others have said that we have become incapable of being simple and having direct experience ourselves. These problems demand a new approach, and they can be so approached only when we are simple, inwardly really simple. That simplicity comes only through self-knowledge, through understanding ourselves: the ways of our thinking and feeling, the movements of our thoughts, our responses, how we conform through fear to public opinion, to what others say, what the Buddha, the Christ, the great saints have said - all of which indicates our nature to conform, to be safe, to be secure. And, when one is seeking security, one is obviously in a state of fear, and therefore there is no simplicity. - Talks in Ojai, California, 1949

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why should I choose? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Why should I choose? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Why should I choose?


Your tendency, your proclivities, your inclination, your social background, religion - all that pushes you in a certain direction, and you say you are choosing. You see, sir, I question this whole way of choosing. Why should I choose? If a man is free, he has no choice. There is no question of choice. Finished. That is why I said at the beginning that to establish a serious discussion, there must be this examination of freedom and peace. Otherwise you can't proceed. - On Conflict. First Dialogue Rome 1966

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To bring about a change in your mind. - JKOnline Daily Quotes

To bring about a change in your mind. - JKOnline Daily Quotes

To bring about a change in your mind.


Can your mind, which has been conditioned by society, the culture in which you have lived, be transformed through education so that you will never under any circumstances enter the stream of society? Is it possible to educate you differently? `Educate' in the real sense of that word; not to transmit from the teachers to the students some information about mathematics or history or geography, but in the very instruction of these subjects to bring about a change in your mind. Which means that you have to be extraordinarily critical. You have to learn never to accept anything which you yourself do not see clearly, never to repeat what another has said. - Krishnamurti On Education

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Through conflict freedom cannot possibly be understood. - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Through conflict freedom cannot possibly be understood. - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Through conflict freedom cannot possibly be understood.


There are two types of freedom, are there not? There is freedom from something. I am free from anger let us suppose but the freedom from something is a reaction; obviously that is not freedom. To be free from one's nationality means absolutely nothing; a very intelligent man is free from that particular poison; but that does not constitute freedom at all. And there is a different kind of freedom, a state of mind in which there is no effort at all. Such freedom is love; it is not as when you say, `I must learn to love, to practise love', `I hate people but I am going to struggle, make an attempt to love', that is not love. Freedom is a state of mind in which love is and it is not the opposite of hate, or jealousy, or aggression. When we are dealing with opposites and trying to be free from one and achieve the other then the other has its root in its own opposite right? Through conflict freedom cannot possibly be understood. - J. Krishnamurti Talks and Dialogues Saanen 1968 1st Public Talk 7th July 1968

Monday, January 17, 2011

Vulnerability is without centre as the self - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Vulnerability is without centre as the self - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Vulnerability is without centre as the self


Sensitivity implies being vulnerable. One is sensitive to one's reactions, to one's hurts, one's beleaguered existence: that is, one is sensitive about oneself and in this vulnerable state there is really self-interest and therefore the capability of being hurt, of becoming neurotic. It is a form of resistance which is essentially concentrated on the self. The strength of vulnerability is not self-centred. It is like the young spring leaf that can withstand strong winds and flourish. This vulnerability is incapable of being hurt, whatever the circumstances. Vulnerability is without centre as the self. It has an extraordinary strength, vitality and beauty. - Letters to the Schools Vol. 2

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One has to understand fear - JKOnline Daily Quotes

One has to understand fear - JKOnline Daily Quotes

One has to understand fear


So, one has to understand fear. You know, one is afraid: afraid of one's parents, afraid of not passing examinations, afraid of one's teachers, afraid of the dog, afraid of the snake. You have to understand fear and be free of fear. When you are free of fear there is the strong feeling of being good, of thinking very clearly, of looking at stars, of looking at clouds, of looking at faces with a smile. And when there is no fear, you can go much further. Then you can find out for yourself that for which man has searched generation upon generation. - Krishnamurti On Education

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fear is a psychological process - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Fear is a psychological process - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Fear is a psychological process


Fear is not only a response of the adrenal glands but also a psychological process. To understand fear, not intellectually but actually to be free of it, one requires very keen observation, one has to look at it very closely. When the mind - which has been trained in a culture that accepts fear as part of life with all its violence - understands fear then perhaps we can be completely free not only consciously but also unconsciously. To go into this question of fear one has to be aware, that is one has to watch one's own fear, not the fear that one is told about or the fear of the unknown, but the actual fear that one has. - Talks in Saanen, 1968

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is it possible to be free? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Is it possible to be free? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Is it possible to be free?


One asks, is it possible to be free? Is it possible for us as we are, conditioned, shaped by every influence, by propaganda, by the books we read, the cinemas, the radios, the magazines all impinging on the mind, shaping it to live in this world completely free, not only consciously, but at the very roots of our being? That, it seems to me, is the challenge, is the only issue. Because if one is not free, there is no love; there is jealousy, anxiety, fear, domination, the pursuit of pleasure, sexually or otherwise. If one is not free one cannot see clearly and there is no sense of beauty. - Talks and Dialogues Saanen 1968

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One has to be a light to oneself - JKOnline Daily Quotes

One has to be a light to oneself - JKOnline Daily Quotes

One has to be a light to oneself


One has to be a light to oneself; this light is the law. There is no other law. All the other laws are made by thought and so are fragmentary and contradictory. To be a light to oneself is not to follow the light of another, however reasonable, logical, historical, and however convincing. You cannot be a light to yourself if you are in the dark shadows of authority, of dogma, of conclusion. - J. Krishnamurti This Light in Oneself

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A new consciousness - JKOnline Daily Quotes

A new consciousness - JKOnline Daily Quotes

A new consciousness


A new consciousness and a totally new morality are necessary to bring about a radical change in the present culture and social structure. This is obvious, yet the Left and the Right and the revolutionary seem to disregard it. Any dogma, any formula, any ideology is part of the old consciousness; they are the fabrications of thought whose activity is fragmentation - the Left, the Right, the centre. This activity will inevitably lead to bloodshed of the Right or of the Left or to totalitarianism. This is what is going on around us. One sees the necessity of social, economic, and moral change but the response is from the old consciousness, thought being the principal actor. The mess, the confusion, and the misery that human beings have got into are within the area of the old consciousness, and without changing that profoundly,every human activity - political, economic or religious - will only bring us to the destruction of each other and of the earth. This is so obvious to the sane. - J. Krishnamurti This Light in Oneself

Monday, January 10, 2011

The transformation of Society - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The transformation of Society - JKOnline Daily Quotes

The transformation of Society


Is it not, therefore, an obvious fact that what I am in my relationship to another creates society and that, without radically transforming myself, there can be no transformation of the essential function of society? When we look to a system for the transformation of society, we are merely evading the question, because a system cannot transform man; man always transforms the system, which history shows. Until I, in my relationship to you, understand myself I am the cause of chaos, misery, destruction, fear, brutality. Understanding myself is not a matter of time; I can understand myself at this very moment. - J. Krishnamurti The First and Last Freedom Chapter 1

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why are we clever and ambitious? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Why are we clever and ambitious? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Why are we clever and ambitious?


Why are we clever and ambitious? Is not ambition an urge to avoid what is? Is not this cleverness really stupid, which is what we are? Why are we so frightened of what is? What is the good of running away if whatever we are is always there? We may succeed in escaping, but what we are is still there, breeding conflict and misery. Why are we so frightened of our loneliness, of our emptiness? Any activity away from what is is bound to bring sorrow and antagonism. Conflict is the denial of what is or the running away from what is; there is no conflict other than that. Our conflict becomes more and more complex and insoluble because we do not face what is. There is no complexity in what is, but only in the many escapes that we seek. - J. Krishnamurti Commentaries on Living Series 1,Ambition

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are we aware of our responses? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Are we aware of our responses? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Are we aware of our responses?


... psychologically, inwardly, are we aware of our responses? Are we aware when we are not telling the truth, when we are indulging in double talk, when we are saying one thing and doing something else, when we are quoting others? You follow, this whole phenomenon of being secondhand, which is to be traditional, which is to conform - conform to an example. That gentleman yesterday said, "There is a perfect example". And why do we need an example? Is that not conformity, in that is there not imitation, fear, and authority and following? All that is traditional. We have had thousands of examples - right? And we want to be that. And in that there is the acceptance, non-verbally, essentially, of authority. Tradition implies authority, conformity, imitation, following. - Saanen 4th Public Dialogue 3rd August 1974

Friday, January 7, 2011

Starting a community - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Starting a community - JKOnline Daily Quotes

Starting a community


Question: Instead of addressing heterogeneous crowds in many places and dazzling and confounding them with your brilliance and subtlety, why do you not start a community or colony and create a reference for your way of thinking? Are you afraid that this could never be done? Krishnamurti: Sir, brilliance and subtlety should always be kept under cover, because too much exposure of brilliance only blinds. It is not my intention to blind or show cleverness, that is too stupid; but when one sees things very clearly, one cannot help setting them out very clearly. This you may think brilliant and subtle. To me, what I am saying is not brilliant: it is the obvious. That is one fact. The other is, you want me to found an ashram or a community. Now, why? Why do you want me to found a community? You say that it will act as a reference, that is, something which can be pointed out as a successful experiment. That is what a reference implies, does it not? - a community where all these things are being carried out. That is what you want. I do not want to found an ashram or a community, but you want it. Now, why do you want such a community? I will tell you why. It is very interesting, is it not? You want it because you would like to join with others and create a community, but you do not want to start a community with yourself; you want somebody else to do it, and when it is done you will join it. In other words, Sir, you are afraid of starting on your own, therefore you want a reference. That is, you want something which will give you authority of a kind that can be carried out. In other words, you yourself are not confident, and therefore you say, `Found a community and I will join it'. Sir, where you are you can found a community, but you can found that community only when you have confidence. The trouble is that you have no confidence. Why are you not confident? What do I mean by confidence? The man who wants to achieve a result, who gets what he wants, is full of confidence the business man, the lawyer, the policeman, the general, are all full of confidence. Now, here you have no confidence. Why? For the simple reason you have not experimented. The moment you experiment with this, you will have confidence. Nobody else can give you confidence; no book, no teacher can give you confidence. Encouragement is not confidence; encouragement is merely superficial, childish, immature. Confidence comes as you experiment; and when you experiment with nationalism, wit even the smallest thing, then as you experiment you will have confidence, because your mind will be swift, pliable; and then where you are there will be an ashram, you yourself will found the community. That is clear, is it not? You are more important than any community. If you join a community, you will be as you are - you will have somebody to boss you, you will have laws, regulations and discipline, you will be another Mr. Smith or Mr. Rao in that beastly community. You want a community only when you want to be directed, to be told what to do. A man who wants to be directed is aware of his lack of confidence in himself. You can have confidence, not by talking about self-confidence, but only when you experiment, when you try. Sir, the reference is you, so, experiment, wherever you are, a whatever level of thought. You are the only reference, not the community; and when the community becomes the reference, you are lost. I hope there will be lots of people joining together and experimenting, having full confidence and therefore coming together; but for you to sit outside and say, `Why don't you form a community for me to join?', is obviously a foolish question. - J. Krishnamurti The Collected Works Volume V